TESOL Certificate Application

Procedure for Application

Candidates for the TESOL Certificate should:

  1. Complete one of the certificate courses with a grade of B- or higher (for undergraduates) or B or higher (for graduates) before applying.
  2. Submit the TESOL Certificate admission application and proposed plan of study. Candidates are encouraged to email [email protected] if they experience any technical problems with the application. It is strongly advised that students submit applications at least three semesters before their expected graduation date.
  3. It is recommended that all TESOL Certificate students schedule an advising appointment soon after acceptance to ensure their course timeline.
  4. Keep in mind the required grades for the TESOL Certificate:
    1. Undergraduate Students: An undergraduate student MUST earn a grade of B- or higher on ALL certificate courses in order to successfully earn the TESOL Certificate. Update 4/26/2021: During the COVID-19 periods of Spring 2020-Spring 2021, if a student elects to receive a grade of "Credit" for any of their TESOL Certificate classes, the courses for which they have earned credit will be counted towards their TESOL Certificate.
    2. Graduate Students: A graduate student MUST earn a grade of B or higher on ALL certificate courses in order to successfully earn the TESOL Certificate. Update 4/26/2021: If your graduate program offered the Credit (CR)/General Credit (GC)/No Credit (NC) grading option for one or more of the TESOL Certificate classes during the Spring 2020-Spring 2021 COVID-19 periods, the courses for which you have earned Credit (CR) will be counted towards your TESOL Certificate.

Questions about the TESOL Certificate application (technical difficulties, etc.) can be directed to [email protected].
Questions about the TESOL Certificate program can be directed to [email protected].

Please note: The TESOL Certificate is an add-on certificate available only to current UVA students. All applicants must be matriculated into an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the University of Virginia. UVA alumni are not eligible.